Business Continuity

Project Management

Backup Solutions

Azure Industries, Inc. can assist with on and off premise backup solutions to provide peace of mind and protection from hardware failures, accidental deletion, or ransomeware attacks.

Solutions may include on premise devices for rapid data recovery, offline backup rotation (to protect against ransomeware), or off site backups to mitigate environmental threats like fire or natural disaster.

For customers with more time sensitive or critical service needs, we can assist with the deployment and macitence of mirrored services offsite to provide COOP (COntinuous OPerations) via hot, warm, or cold sites.

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Hardware Refresh

Azure Industries, Inc. can evaluate your current computer and network equipment and provide hardware refresh services. We take into account the current condition of the product, existing or expired warranty or support contracts, vendor end of life announcements, and component availability to make recommendations for replacements.

We also evaluate current market offerings and solutions to ensure all recommendations meet current business operational needs. Working with stakeholders we can also factor in possible future business needs to mitigate duplicate expenditures in the future.

As part of Azure Industries, Inc. complete product lifecycle management, we also offer disposal of old equipment and secure erasure of data storage devices like hard drives, SSDs, and tape.